California RSOL on NBC4 Los Angeles

An attorney went door to door Tuesday in Harbor Gateway to warn registered sex offenders that a small park will be built near them, effectively forcing them to move. By law, registered sex offenders can’t live within 2,000 feet of a park or school — and city officials are using that law to push them out of the neighborhood. Hetty Chang reports for the NBC4 News at 6 p.m. on March 5, 2013.



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Thank you Janice for having the guts to go against the status-quo and compel people to think about the global implications. The news media again chooses to confuse matter by addressing this beleaguered group at large, rather than saying “certain registrants on parole” etc. Misinformation, hate and fear mongering, and subterfuge are the tools of Buscaino and those who thrive in the bliss of ignorance and arrogance. NIMBY is always the easy solution inferring that it should be someone else’s problem, just not mine. That’s OK for a private citizen to opine on but when demonic officials like Buscaino say things like that, he shows blatant disregard for the constitution and the inherent constitutional rights of any and every American citizen.

I am beginning to get confused about residency restrictions for RSOs. I have been off parole since 1997. Am I not allowed to live within 2000′ of a park or school?

I am pretty sure this crap does not apply to me as I am not on parole – George Runner told me so personally so it must be true.

Janice et al – as always, thank you for your time, dedication and most of all – COURAGE!!!

Thank you Janice!

I am sickened to hear that uneducated “average” residence thinking that they can pick and choose who they are going to allow to live in “their” neighborhood.

To those bigots I say this – Hey numbnuts…last time I checked a map your neighborhood was in a country called the United States of America and all American citizens are legally allowed to live anywhere they wish (even “your” neighborhood)!

Hey you don’t like it then leave!

I’ve never heard of such a terrible story! We have gang members, killers, drug dealers and prostitutes walking the streets with more rights than sex offenders! We have rso’s with misdemeanors from years back treated like America’s most wanted? Now, the state of California’s cities are one by ons passing ordinances that differ from one another? I mean, how could anyone go from city to city and even know what the laws are? Sex offenders (many are tax payers) can’t visit parks, beaches, public swimming pools and libraries? I’m still hoping to wake up and hope this is just a bad dream. Furthermore, sex offenders in many cities are banned from living next to schools are parks? This is surreal? I’m in complete and utter shock! What’s next? Maybe all sex offenders have to live in a gated commune? Barred from driving? Not allowed to have children/what if their offspring is a sex offender ? Barred from taking the bus? Designated seating in airplanes? This article or story says it all! It’s hatred and misunderstanding! The state of California needs to get with the program. Could you even imagine the unconstitutional laws being passed 10 years ago? 20 years ago? People would laugh at you? The next step will be marked cars for sex offenders or computer chip implantation? These laws/actions create hysteria and hatred? I’m just praying for both the sex offenders and their families. If this continues, one of two things will occur. A sex offender will be pushed over the edge or an innocent bystander will be hurt. I truly feel sorry for the politician who pushed for this park to be built.

@Tired of hiring … Let me ask you.

Whether we are over 18 or not what difference would a few colorful four letter words add to our discussion? Do you think the random F&$@ word would carry more weight? Or the random S?$& word? Really?! I think that the MODERATOR chooses to veto unnecessary words is fine. Lets continue to be above reproach … Why give anyone any reason to believe any differently of us?

From what I’ve read you are a very angry person with not much to hope for … and maybe justifiably so because I don’t know your story, or where you are … but In the end, you are only painting yourself as a hater of all things. Step back and breathe … We are ALL suffering the same fate.

Let us be positive vs. you, the angry, the depressant, the one who no one will want to hear from again? I’m sure you have some redeeming qualities to add to this issue we are all living with. Peace to you &your heart.

My dream is to hit the lottery and move into an upscale “pristine and secure” gated community! Ha, then who would the prisoners be? The’yd get all freaked out because there is one of those people among us…might as well dream big, costs no more than a little dream.

Saw this discussion about this topic – might be of interest.

After the long drawn out discussion where Buscaino bathes in the glorious tears of a woman who’s hysteria he fostered, he gives a politician’s smile to the camera. If that isn’t plasticity defined… Any objective analysis shows that he dances atop the issue while pretty much showing that he is the definition of chaos when he seems clearly to be in the business of creating problems to solve problems. He has figured out that he can have his cake and eat it to thanks to the misinformation he is force feeding his constituents. Like many crafty politicians, he relies on a substantial amount of passive aggression by not lifting a finger to bring overall truths, other than the fear he has instilled in his community, to the discussion. Good job for the people trying to bring some sense of balance into this situation but a somewhat mediocre job of the moderator to balance the air time. When you have a big hammer, all the problems look like small nails. That is Buscaino’s implicit message and one that conveniently keeps him from living in the world of truth – other than that of his own megalomania.

Dear Tired of Hiding,

The moderator is right. The public already sees us as low-lifes, and the use of profanity only serves to perpetuate that view. Profanity is the attempt of a lazy and feeble mind to express itself forcefully. We will all be better served by using a higher, more universally accepted level of the English language to get the point across. We are all angry and frustrated when we read stories like this. Cuss under your breath, beat a pillow, stomp around the house, then settle down and write something that will be taken seriously by the general public.

Janice–you are a blessing. Thank you for your tireless efforts at promoting our cause.